Monday, May 26, 2014

Redneck Mother

I finally got around to bottling that Imperial Red that's been sitting in my primary for a month now. It was still occasionally showing some activity in the airlock up until last week, so I let it sit till it settled down entirely. FG was pretty lousy attenuation. It's gonna be awful damn sweet, even for my sweet tooth, but I decided to bottle it anyhow and see what happens. I added 5 oz. priming sugar AND used those Prime Dose Carbonation Capsules that I tried in B) Endarkenment 2.0. So mebbe some over-carbonation, but I'm guessing prolly not--the one bottle of Endarkenment that I opened was barely showing any carbonation at all. So i'm not too worried about bottle bombs...and I let everything sit in the laundry room just in case! :-)

 Here's a pic of my hi-tech bottling settup in use. Ignore the mess on the counters and pay attention to the mess in the dishwasher! It is simply not humanly possible to use a bottling wand without making a huge freakin' mess, so if you don't have a dishwasher handy, be prepared for beer all over the place! With the dishwasher, you just close it up and run it through a rinse cycle....woot! OK, you will still need to mop the floor afterwards, esp. the area you've been setting your full bottles until their capped. Still a huge time/mess saver!!!

Red Dress Raspberry Wheat is tasting even better this week...just the thing for a little time on the front stoop! Endarkenment 2.0 and Choctaw Bingo still need some time, and I'm getting very impatient to sample Stovepipe Crow (the mole stout.)

Drink like a chimney, and jump like a crocodile! :-)

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