Sunday, February 22, 2015

New Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book

Well, I finally broke down and bought a replacement for that lovely old standby I've used since my college days. Printed in 1981, this has been my go-to cookbook since I can remember. Its not like I have a shortage of active cookbooks, but this has always been the soft spot in my cooking heart.

I was hoping I could just replace that standby with a duplicate in better shape, but after much thought and consternation, I ended up buying a ring-bound 16th edition of the New Cook Book.

I have to say I'm not terribly impressed. The ring binder is nice, but the pages it holds won't stand up to nearly as much abuse as my worn out copy from 1981. And to be honest, the recipes are much vaguer. I want a cookbook to tell me "Put this much of this seasoning in, cook this for exactly X amount of time, etc." I'm not likely to adhere to those instructions, but I don't need my cookbook getting all interweb wishy-washy on me, nor do I need 12 variants of meatloaf. I'll variate my own damn meatloaf, thank you very much!

So, yeah, next picture of my cooking cupboard *might* include the newer New Cook Book, or perhaps I'll find an alternate?

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